#rpgaday #rpgaday2019 - RPG a Day - "Love"

Day 28 - LOVE

Back in my day we didn't think about love, we were kicking goblins open and killing doors.

But seriously... 
When we started as 15 year olds love wan not something we were looking for in a game. It could have featured as a theme - as someone's motivation for their actions - but I don't think it ever came up in regards to our characters. I believe that, quite traditionally, our characters were orphans or outcasts or both. 

Thou art overly young, boy-knight. I shall marry your horse.
He has better sense of style anyway

A concept of characters falling in love has never occurred to us. It was Poland after all and we were all straight guys (although from perspective I'm thinking that one guy might have been asexual and another deeply repressed and closeted, heck if I know)

The only advice about introducing any subject I can give is - have a look at free pdf on Consent in Gaming, that you can get for free from Monte Cook Games website or from DriveThruRpg.


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